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Nuerburgring Boulevard 2
53520 Nuerburg
Phone: +49 (0) 26 91 / 30 2 – 9961
E-mail: mail(at)

Authorized representative:
Frank Caspers (Managing Director)

Commercial register and register number:
District court Koblenz, HRA 21880

Finance office: Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
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Liability for content

The contents of our website were created with the greatest of care. We can, however, assume no liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-date status of the contents. As a service provider we are responsible under general law for our own content on this site pursuant to section 7 (1) of the German Telemedia Act (TMG). Under sections 8 to 10 TMG, however, we are not obliged to monitor external information communicated or stored or to investigate circumstances that may point to unlawful acts. This does not affect our obligation to remove or block use of information under the law in general. Any liability in this respect, however, is possible only from the point in time at which we learn of a concrete violation of the law. Upon learning of any such violations of the law, we shall remove such content without delay.

Liability for links

Our website contains links to external websites, for which we have no influence on their content. For that reason, we can also assume no liability for that external content. The respective provider or operator of the linked sites is responsible for their content in all cases. The linked sites are checked for unlawful content only at the point in time of setting the link. At the point in time of setting the link, there was no unlawful content apparent. We cannot, however, be reasonably expected to permanently check the linked sites without specific indications of a violation of the law. Upon learning of any such violations of the law, we shall remove such links without delay.


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